Where To Start: Directions to Jake’s House

So what am I doing here?

Well, I need a better platform than Instagram to base my media operations out of.

What do you mean by “media operations”?

Well as a 32 year old individual at the time of writing, the time has come to more directly figure the personal business aspects of life out. I spent the bulk of my 20s seeking community and while I found some, most of it has been shed for various conflicting reasons. I cannot make myself available for as many people as I can give my undivided attention to, so I seek to build an array of media platforms and efforts that will contribute to the long term synthesis of a JakesHouse narrative.

So what do you mean with JakesHouse? Jake’s House?

Have always been a big fan of wordplay and rhetoric, and JakesHouse is the brand name after a period where I operated under the moniker of quantum geography. A “jakes” is an old word for an outhouse type facility. I have sought to mobilize it under the auspices of “shooting the shit” and having it be a sort of catch all digest… if you will… you don’t have to… of what I have been up to and focusing on. A prior living situation introduced me to a career pharmacy doctor and lab director who framed his move to administration as an effort to have an impact on more people than he could physically attend to at the bedside.

JakesHouse is my effort to build the publicly accessible critical multimedia project the global public deserves in a way that is in line with my own values. This website should serve as the hub through which all other media spokes can attach. For now its about getting into the habit of building out the website and creating the accompanying accounts and profiles.

More to come!


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